I saw lots of strangers dying by bus drived over them at my native place
Dreams about violence or death, especially involving strangers, can be quite unsettling and may evoke strong emotions. Here are a few interpretations to consider for your dream of strangers dying by a bus:
Fear of Loss or Change: The dream may reflect feelings of fear regarding change or loss in your life. The bus, often associated with public transportation and movement, might symbolize significant transitions or shifts that are beyond your control.
Anxiety and Helplessness: Seeing strangers die could indicate feelings of anxiety or helplessness in a situation where you feel powerless. It might suggest that you’re grappling with issues that you can't easily resolve, and the deaths in the dream could symbolize the perceived consequences of inaction or unresolved conflicts.
Reflection on Humanity: Strangers in dreams often represent aspects of ourselves or broader societal themes. This dream could be prompting you to reflect on societal issues or a crisis occurring in your community or the world around you.
Nostalgia and Connection to Home: The setting of your native place suggests a connection to your roots and identity. This dream may indicate a longing to return to familiar situations or feelings, or it could signify a fear of the changes that have occurred in your hometown.
Processing Trauma: If you have experienced trauma or violence in your life or your community, this dream might be a way of processing those feelings. It might be your mind's way of confronting fears or unresolved pain.
Symbolic Rebirth: Dying in dreams can sometimes symbolize a transformation or the end of one phase of life as you move towards another. The strangers may represent parts of your life or aspects of yourself that you're ready to let go and move on from.
Consider the emotions you felt during the dream and any ongoing experiences in your life that may relate to these themes. Analyzing how the dream impacted you can provide further insight into its meaning.